Rental of DesignjetsFor businesses, schools, local authorities, universities and hospitals.
Rental of Designjets
For businesses, schools, local authorities, universities and hospitals.
Are you a business, local authority, school, university or hospital needing to print on an HP Designjet?
Renting from Bristol Inkjet Ltd offers a low cost and simple solution, combining no capital outlay with friendly rental terms and easy management.
We offer great contracts on new and refurbished printers
No minimum rental term on refurbished HP Designjets
Short minimum term (18 months) on new HP Designjets
All printers come with our All You Can Eat (AYCE) package that covers everything – paper, inks, callouts and parts. One call for all your needs, and simple management.
For secondary schools we offer a specific deal designed to meet the exact needs of large schools.

Refurbished Designjets
For refurbished Designjets there is no minimum term and a very simple contract. We have a good stock of machines and we can recommend the machine from our stock to suit your needs.

Refurbished HP DesignJet 500 24 or 42” printer - £17 / week no minimum contract

New Designjets
We offer rental deals on the full range of current HP Designjet printers aimed at the CAD market.
Prices vary from month to month, so for the best price let us know what you need and we will produce a bespoke deal.
We offer new machines with a minimum contract of 18 months.
Example pricing (as of Feb 2019):
New HP520 36” printer on an AYCE contract will be £22 a week (18 month minimum).
Refurbished Designjets
For refurbished Designjets there is no minimum term and a very simple contract.
We have a good stock of machines and we can recommend the machine from our stock to suit your needs.
Refubished HP DesignJet 500 24 or 42” printer - £17 / week no minimum contract
New Designjets
We offer rental deals on the full range of current HP Designjet printers aimed at the CAD market.
Prices vary from month to month, so for the best price let us know what you need and we will produce a bespoke deal.
We offer new machines with a minimum contract of 18 months.
Example pricing (as of Feb 2019):
New HP520 36” printer on an AYCE contract will be £22 a week (18 month minimum).
Example pricing ( as of Feb 2019):
New HP 520 36” printer on an AYCE contract will be a £22 / week (18 month minimum).